A leading day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 4 - 13 yrs set on the idyllic North Norfolk Coast

Leavers Destinations

As the last genuinely independent boarding prep school in Norfolk, we stake our reputation on finding the right school for each of our pupils leaving at 13.

Beeston is the most prolific feeder school in Norfolk to the broadest range of Senior Schools.

Over the last six years pupils have gained places at the following schools: Ampleforth, Aylsham High, Bedales, Downe House, Eton, Framlingham, Gresham’s, Harrow, The Leys, Norwich School, Norwich High School for Girls, Oakham, Oundle, The Perse, Radley, Repton, Royal Hospital School, Rugby, Shrewsbury, Stowe, Sutton Vallence, Tudor Hall, Uppingham and Wycombe Abbey.

A 100% success rate to first-choice Senior Schools, 65% of which are awarded scholarships

The curriculum at Beeston is designed to enable every pupil to reach his or her potential. We are non-selective and aim to build the children’s confidence through developing a ‘have a go’ attitude. With this comes the achievement, and a remarkable track record for scholarships of which we are particularly proud: that’s 72 academic, music, sport and art scholarships won, to 24 different senior schools, in the last 6 years. Beeston is the only independent prep school in Norfolk with a national reach.

We are expert and experienced at preparing children for the individual schools they go onto.

Due to our close and long-standing relationships with senior schools, we are able to advise parents on the most suitable public school for their child. Helping to choose a school is a key part of the Headmaster’s role, as preferences, preconceptions and aspirations align with the abilities and development of the children in Beeston’s care. While many, naturally enough, go on to attend day schools, there are many more who join Beeston because it provides for such a wide selection of options from which to choose for the 13+ transfer.

We feel that this opportunity would not have arisen had it not been for the excellent all round education that Beeston offers.


DestinationNumber of ChildrenNumber of Scholarships
Aylsham High1
Downe House11
The Leys21
Norwich High School for Girls11
Norwich School43
The Perse11
Royal Hospital School Ipswich1
Sutton Valence11
Tudor Hall76
Wycombe Abbey1

Pupils are highly successful in gaining entry to senior schools. Their numerous awards also reflect pupils’ exceptional achievement in a wide range of activities.

ISI 2017

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